Pullip Lupinus is (with her counterpart Dal Quince) the latest release in the Groove Inc. Creator’s Label line. She came out in November and was created by Silver Butterfly, who previously also designed the outfits for Galene and Nana-chan. When she was announced, the number one discussion was about her eyechips, which do not have pupils. I made up my mind about her, after I saw her in person in Akihabara in Tokyo. Her cute face left such a huge impression on me that I ordered her a few weeks later.

The colour scheme of her face-up consists of a metallic denim blue, a dark peach and a golden brown. It works really well with her sparkly pink eyechips, who are supposed to look like a flower. Lupinus’ metallic blue eyeliner has a really nice oval shape at the outer corner of her eyes. Due to this perfect make-up, no drawn on upper lashes are needed. Her lower waterline is dark peach and her lower lashes are in a soft golden brown with a little bit of shading in the same colour.

When you close Lupinus’ eyes, her eyelids are a dark peach with the same perfect metallic blue eyeliner. She has the new eye-mechanism that makes it possible to show the metallic liner on her lid, while her eyes are still open. In my opinion it gives her a sleepy and thoughtful expression. It is a lot of fun!
Her lips are gorgeous. They are very full, a pretty peach and super glossy. They were the first thing I loved and noticed about her. Lupinus also wears peachy blush on her cheeks, chin and below her browbones. Her brows are a subtle golden brown, straight and on the thinner side.

A nice addition is her rose coloured nail polish, which also has a slight metallic sheen. Nail polish on a Pullip is one of my favourite things!

Now let’s talk about her wig! As if her eyechips were not enough to get people to talk about Lupinus, her hairstyle is also quite unique. The colour is a most beautiful golden brown that is almost glowing. She has bangs that differ in length and cover her eyebrows. In the area of her her ears, her hair is cut like a bob, but then she suddenly has waitlong wavy hair in the back. I have to admit that I am not the biggest fan, when she wears her hair open, but it looks really cute, when you put it in a ponytail. Her wig cap does not show anywhere!

Of course her hairstyle makes sense, when you look at her stock and especially at her bonnet. Her stock-outfit is inspired by a traditional maid-uniform, but has so much detail that Lupinus would be the most fashionable maid on planet earth! The colour scheme is a mixture between a dark denim violet, white and cream with sparkly silver details, pearls and rhinestones. Everything is covered in lace, frills or bows.

The bonnet fits on her head like a glove-even though it is a bonnet! There is wire inside and on each side there is the longest dark blue ribbon that tied behind her neck, is pure on the aesthetic side. The wire is enough to keep the bonnet in place. The top of the bonnet is covered in white lace, which is encircled in violet denim fabric and white frills. On each sides are denim violet bows that are also decorated with white lace.

Her apron is also made out of the same white fabric. It has the same frills at the bottom and is covered in lace at the waistline, above the frills of its hemline and there is a big lacy bow at the back of the apron (which is closed with two press studs). But my favourite detail is the bow above Lupinus’ right hip, which is again a mixture out of both fabrics. In its middle it is decorated with tiny pearls in different colours and sizes.

I love, love, love her dress! It is mainly a dark violet denim and is a neckholder dress. There is beige lace at the décolleté and the center at the front of her bodice is in a ripped white fabric. In its middle is a white and silver bow and below it are three tiny silver pearls. To the right and the left is also a narrow line of white lace. The skirt is mainly a dark violet denim and is rimmed with a silvery white band, which has the same fabric as the ribbon on her bodice. It is closed with a press stud behind her neck and with velcro behind her back.

Pullip Lupinus wears two underskirts! The first one is out of white fabric with lace trimming and frills at the bottom. The only difference to the other frills is that those do not have cut off edges, but are properly sewn. The second underskirt is very soft to the touch and even decorated with tiny white polka dots. She also wears panties out of the same material.

Elaborate accessories make the Creator’s Label so much fun and Lupinus is no exception. Her choker goes around her neck in beige lace with a white lace trimming. In its middle is a dark violet denim-coloured bow that is sewn on above different coloured pearls and a bigger rhinestone. It closes in the back with velcro.

For going out, she has a cape, which is out of a black and white denim material and can be closed at the front with two hooks at the center. It is decorated with fake pockets and four golden buttons. The collar is out of light beige cloth and has sewn in frills at the bottom. It is decorated with a tiny pearl on each side. (At least it should be. Mine unfortunately only came with one pearl on the right side – straight out of the box.) At the back there is also another bow out of the denim material.

She wears beige arm and leg warmers that are decorated with beige lace at the top and at the bottom. As if this was not enough, there is also a bow out of purple ribbon attached on each lace at the top. Her shoes are cute black pumps with ankle straps, a golden buckle and black bow on top. They are amazing and the same type of stock-shoe that twins Pullip Callie and Cassie came with. Fitting her black shoes, she also comes with a black slouchy bag with bronze hardware that is huge and looks like an old doctor’s bag. You can close it with a press stud and fit Pullip-sized things inside. It is my least favourite accessory of her, although I know that this is complaining on a higher level due to the rest of her stock being so perfect!

Can I recommend Pullip Lupinus? Absolutely! She is unique and interesting in so many ways that I cannot stop being happy to have her in my collection. I really like that Groove let Silver Butterfly a lot of artistic freedom and this is exactly what I wish to see in future Creator’s Label releases.
Thank you for reading!