Welcome and happy Mother’s Day to all the awesome Moms out there! It is Sunday and time for another dolly week, in which I like to write about all dolly-related things that I’ve come across in the past seven days! My highlight of the week was this beauty:

Pullip Myra is an early anniversary gift that I tried not to open until June, but I could not resist. She was released in 2013 and limited to 300 dolls. Groove later released Pullip Aira in 2014, which is a re-colored version. Their big main differences seem to be the wig, the eyechips, the eyeshadow and lip color. Myra is one of those unicorns that suddenly appears and decides to stay with you. She is pure movie star glamour and I love her face! Her stock implies that she is a burlesque dancer, which is not totally up my alley. I like her more in this ensemble from Pariflora Dolls (her socks are from Belle Magni, her shoes and headband are from Groove)! It completely changes her look!

Speaking of a change, I have been having the feeling that I was neglecting Luise (Pullip Lupinus) in my collection. My main problem was her thin long hair in the back of her wig. It was mostly up in a ponytail, when I suddenly realised that pig tails would be super cute on her. In fact, I like her pig tails so much now, that I want to pick up crocheting. Ribbons will be cuter than the simple transparent hair ties. The dress she is wearing, is from Atelier Milabrocc and is pretty much the perfect fit for her unusual flower eyechips.
Junie Moon announced the new Blythe schedule books for 2017 and the two motives are pictures of Stella Serendipitous and Garden of Joy. I am leaning more towards Garden of Joy, this year’s anniversary Blythe, who will be released in fall. Considering the higher price tags of anniversary Blythes, I hope to be able to at least pick up the planner that is dedicated to her.
Are you keeping your dolls mostly in stock or do you like to redress them? And what do you think about dolly-themed stationary?

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have lots of fun next week, just like Marie and Carlie in the picture above!
Myra is beautiful! I don’t think I was able to look past her stock, but she looks wonderful in “regular” clothes.
Have you seen all the new announcements for new Blythes? Pineapple Princess, Garden of Joy, Joanna Gentiana, … I want them all! But, realistically, I think I’ll save my pennies for Garden of Joy because I think she will be amazing!
She really does! It kind of reminds me of Pullip Melissa, who is a beautiful doll, but I am not a fan of those risqué stock-outfits. I would prefer some old Hollywood inspired dresses! 🙂
The next Blythe releases also intrigue me a lot! Pineapple Princess will be so cute! I hope that she will be easier to find than Cherry Beach Sunset. Garden of Joy is also so interesting! I love, what I have seen so far and want more! 😀 And I still want Home, Sweet Home! So, so many cuties on the way! 😀