It’s Been A Year: Komonogatari’s First Blogiversary!

Exactly one year ago, my review of Pullip Optical Alice, who I got one day prior brand new from Japan, went online. She was the perfect reason to finally create a blog, an idea, which had been dancing in my head for months and went in lieu with dozens hours of brainstorming because I did not want to start under a blog name or social media handles, which I would have want to change after a short while. And there was one more thing: I was scared! Scared of my own writing and photographing skills and even more scared of not finding anybody to share my passions with! Today I consider February 23rd, 2017 as one of the best days of my life because it was the start of me, putting myself out there. I am a strong believer that the more open I am about my passions and feelings here, the more I hope to deliver the message that it is okay to be passionate about the things you are passionate about!

So many cuties!

My whole collection in early 2017.

Sometimes it gets hard to handle blog posts, work and my personal life, but in the end I always have to learn that beating myself up about it, won’t change anything. My ideal blogging schedule would be to write at least three blog posts a week, but realistically I am not a machine and writing less in one week, won’t change the fact how devoted I am to Komonogatari. Still, I try to be consistent. Actually, doing a big group picture of all of my dolls, has crossed my mind, but in the end, I took a picture of these ten cuties, which are about half of the stock dolls I own and will make a bigger group picture, when everybody has their final wigs and super nice outfits. That’s always the goal behind my doll family: To make the best out of them! Last year I wrote 29 posts, which were either doll reviews or introduction posts for my custom dolls. And my goal for this year is to review all of my remaining stock dolls, which is a lot of work, but also a super accomplishing feeling in the end!

The risks of being a Licca-chan in a BIC Camera in Tokyo!
The risks of being a Licca-chan in the kids’ corner of a BIC Camera in Tokyo!

Photography wise I had to switch from Photoshop to Affinity Photo in the last few months, which I got a little more comfortable with, but still have a lot to learn! I also need to get a tripod and some studio lights to claim full independence from the incredibly dull winter we are having. Another plan for this year is to go to Japan again! Due to some pending changes, my husband and I cannot set a date yet, but either way, it should happen in a few months. If there is one thing, I have always regretted so far, it’s not to film more, when I am abroad in my favourite country! Film is a completely different medium, I am not used to at all, but at the same time ideal to catch memories!

I am also going to update my dolly wishlist tomorrow and am going to plan not only to stick to Pullip family dolls this time, but show how my interest have been spreading out in the last few months. If you love doll wishlists as much as I do, please check back tomorrow!

Thank you so much for reading! Not only this post, but for any post that you have read on Komonogatari in the last year!


2 thoughts on “It’s Been A Year: Komonogatari’s First Blogiversary!”

  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! I am so glad you started your blog. I remember discovering it and loving it so much!!!! It brings me so much happiness to read your posts. Thank you for your beautiful writing and enthusiasm!


    1. Mari, I honestly cannot put into words, how much your comments and support mean to me! Thank you so, so much for supporting ‘Komonogatari’ for such a long time now! Each and every one of your comments is special and I am always thrilled hearing from you!

      Thank you so much for discovering this blog and I will do my best to write interesting posts in the future and to constantly improve! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

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