Oposket: Aurora/Briar Rose (Version A)

Qposket Briar Rose/AuroraHere we go again with more Qposket cuties! As a fan of ‘Sleeping Beauty’, I was excited to see that there was going to be a release of Princess Aurora, while she was still living under the name of Briar Rose, which was given to her by the three fairies to protect her from Maleficent. (It worked out for a while…) Her figure is brand new and no recoloured release, which traditionally means that next to her version, there also is a version b with a pale pastel colouring. This is a common release strategy, when it comes to Japanese figures, but I personally have to say that I always prefer my figures to have bright colours!

What about Briar Rose's expression?!When I was opening the box and looking at her face the first time, I noticed that there is a difference between her promotional pictures and the real deal. She is still super cute, but somehow her expression seems a bit different. This was a first, since it did not happen with my previous girls!

Briar Rose's face.Anyway, what I love most about her face are her very dark purple eyes! I have raved about, how shiny and great quality, the eyes of these figures are and Briar Rose is no exception! She is glancing sideways and I absolutely love her thick dark brown eyebrows, which are a little darker than her crease. Her tiny lips are a dark brick red colour and suit the red blushing on her cheeks and chin. She is also wearing black eyeliner with three flicks at the outer ends on the upper lid, while only having a few tiny lashes on the lower lid.

I love this outfit!The whole outfit!Being disguised as a common country girl, she is wearing her iconic outfit that she is wearing, when she is meeting Prince Phillip in the woods. The top of her dress is pastel grey with a white Peter Pan collar and black corset. The skirt is pastel beige and Briar Rose wouldn’t leave the house without her burgundy shawl. Just like in the movie, she isn’t wearing any shoes.

Such cute hands!The swishy skirt!Briar Rose is no exception, when it comes to the lovely poses that Qposket characters are portrayed in: She looks, as if she has just turned around and if her dress and shawl still have to complete their movement. She also has folded hands, while she is taking a step forward. Is she looking at Prince Phillip? Who knows, but she is looking very playful and cute! 😉

Briar Rose's headband.More curls!We are only just now getting to her hair because it will connect us to the last point, but first things first: Briar Rose being a regular release, does not have a pearly sheen to her hair. It is a dark blonde with lots of big waves and curles. Her jair is basically framing her face with very voluminous side swept bangs. Her only accessory is a simple black headband.

Those lovely, lovely curls!The figure stand.To support her heavy hair in the back, the black figure stand comes with a translucent piece, which is designed to hold the back of the head to prevent her from tumbling over. Please notice, how the figure stand for the regular releases is black, instead of bronze like the stand for the ‘Special Colouring’ figures.

If you are interested in my previous Qposket Disney posts, you can click here to read about Rapunzel and here to read about Alice. If you are a fan of kawaii chibi figures and Disney, these cuties are highly recommended by me! Although I don’t plan to get all of them, this won’t be the last time you will read about them on Komonogatari! 🙂

What are your thoughts on Qposket’s Briar Rose? Am I too nit-picky, when it comes to the promotional images and the real deal?

Thank you so much for reading!


2 thoughts on “Oposket: Aurora/Briar Rose (Version A)”

  1. Briar rose is one of my favorite Disney characters. I love her bare feet and her beautiful hair. I need to find this Qposket! Adorable!

    1. There is something about her, right?! 🙂 Since she just recently came out, she should be available in both versions in Nakano Broadway and Akihabara, they don’t sell out that fast directly at the source (knock on wood that that is still accurate). I am generally so psyched that you are going to visit again; I cannot wait to follow your journey! 😀

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