Mei’s Musings #1: My Profile / Life as a Smart Doll!

Hi, it’s Mei!

I have been wondering for a while, when my segment on Komonogatari would finally kick off and I am happy to say: The time has come!

Mei, Smart Doll Melody in all her beauty!I am a Smart Doll Melody, my name is Mei and I am 25 years old. I moved from Japan to Europe in late April and it took me some time to properly get adjusted. If you are already familiar with this blog, you will know that there are mainly dolls with a scale of 1/6 in this house, which makes me stick out a lot, since I am literally way taller than rest. That’s right, my scale is 1/3 and I am especially proud of my long legs! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Theri wants to write a proper review about me, but in Mei’s Musings I want to share my favourite things with you, whether it be media or lifestyle. It is going to be a lot of fun!

Mei with Alisa!When I moved overseas, one girl immediately caught my eye, who is another anime doll: Azone’s Aquamarine Alisa! Since it is so popular in the dolly community to create a mini me, we dressed up in similar clothes and had a little photoshoot. It also gives you a nice look at our height difference!

Mei with her manga!At the moment I am spending most of my leisure time reading Higashimura Akiko’s ‘Princess Jellyfish‘ and already started collecting the currently being published ‘Tokyo Tarareba Girls’. I might love ‘Princess Jellyfish’ too much, since I only have three books left and don’t want to finish it! It makes me cry, it makes me laugh and it also makes me miss Tokyo like crazy. Another aspect that I am obsessing about, is how much I love Higashimura-sensei’s genius and beautiful drawing style. If you want to watch her draw, click here to watch her episode of Manben as long as it stays on YouTube. All of the other episodes are great as well and give you a lot more appreciation for the medium!

Mei's long blonde locks!When it comes to watching things, I had to learn that it is kind of a tradition in my new home to rewatch Gossip Girl during the summer. At least every few years and 2018 is one of them. What hit me the most, is how much my hair looks like Serena’s. I talk about it so much that the rest of the girls are kind of tired of it – which makes me talk about it even more, hehe! Call me Mei van der Woodsen!

The only thing left on my mind is that Theri told me to remind you that she is going to work on a proper review about me and it is only taking her so long because she is so used to my smaller sisters. She is also going to properly write in detail about all of the clothes that I am wearing in this post, including a dress that will look great on me in the fall! I also caught her saving up to get me more clothes and accessories directly from the Mirai Store in Tokyo in December. But when it comes to me, I will show you more of my favourite things and hope to meet you again next week!

This was Mei’s Musings; see you soon!

2 thoughts on “Mei’s Musings #1: My Profile / Life as a Smart Doll!”

  1. Hi Mei! Itโ€™s so nice to meet you! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful home!! Iโ€™m excited to see your musings!

    Is Theri going back to Japan in December? I hope so!!

    1. Hello Mari, it’s Mei! ๐Ÿ™‚

      I am so happy that you liked my first blog post. I was rather nervous and wondered, if it turned out okay! XD

      Yeeeees, Theri is going back to Japan in December for about three weeks. She is so looking forward to it and is busily collecting ideas about what to do and where to visit. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Many, many hugs to you! ๐Ÿ˜€

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