My Sailor Moon Goodies from Japan / Part 2

Beautiful MichiruWelcome back to the second part of my Sailor Moon haul from Japan! Today I am going to share a lot more tiny trinkets and gashapon, which I can never say no to! If you randomly found this post (welcome!), you can click here to see part one!Sailor Moon Twinkle Dolly

Sailor Moon Twinkle DollySailor Chibi MoonSuper Sailor MoonThere are so many different series out there that I had seen the ‘Twinkle Dolly’ charms before on the internet, but I am not too big on key chains and skipped them. By coincidence I found Super Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon in BIC Camera for the great price of 450 Yen. (I wanted to get get Sailor Neptune at one point too, but she was 1400 Yen in Nakano Broadway.) Super Sailor Moon is sitting on her Crisis Moon Compact and is giving us a super cute wink! Her height is 4,5cm/1,7 inches and the quality is very nice! She does remind me of a smaller version of the Petit Chara line, while her compact is super shiny. The same applies to Sailor Chibi Moon, who is sitting on the Crystal Carillon. She actually has one of the sweetest ChibiUsa faces that I have ever seen! I am not sure, what to do with these two yet, but I am happy to have them in my collection!

Sailor Moon Little Charm

Sailor Moon Little CharmsRise is Sailor Strawberry now!Another charm series, although I have to say that this one is perfect for Pullip collectors! I found three different ones, being perfect for Sailor Moon: The Moon Stick, Cutie Moon Rod and Transformation Pen. They are all a little under 4 cm/1,6 inches and look very cute in your Pullip’s hands! The quality is very nice, the metal parts are super shiny and I now need the whole range!

Stationary & Books

Sailor Moon Kanzenban 10Sailor Moon Kanzenban coloured pageSailor Moon Kanzenban 6Books are a luggage nightmare due to their weight and size, the problem being that the Sailor Moon kanzenban books are amazing! They are the deluxe version of the Sailor Moon manga out of super lovely quality, a little bigger than the regular release and the most beautiful coloured pages that you could ever imagine! I am in love with them and I hope that the upcoming ‘Eternal Edition’ release in English is going to be exactly the same! On this trip I decided to get the books with Sailor Neptune on the cover, which are volumes 6 and 10.

Sailor Moon Musical ProgramSayaka Fujioka as Sailor NeptuneHotaru Nomoto as Eternal Sailor MoonWhen visiting the Sailor Moon Musical ‘Le Mouvement Final’, getting the program was an absolute must! It is full of high quality photographies of the cast, which are beautiful to look at and always take me back to this wonderful experience! I also got the official poster of the show and plan to put it on the wall, once we are moving into a bigger place.

Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus stationaryStationary wise there was not that much new merchandise to shop for, so I only got a tin with memo pads inside with Sailor Uranus and Neptune on them. This stationary collection is now about three years old, but I am still happy to have finally gotten the chance to get this cute little tin!

Sailor Moon clearfileSailor Moon clearfileSailor Moon clearfileSailor Moon clearfileI was contemplating, whether to put these under the stationary or the gashapon category; which is why I am putting them right in between: A5 sized clearfiles out of gashapon machines! I got three different clearfiles each out of two different machines and they are actually very nice! Not only the clearfiles themselves, but also their sturdy paper covers are fabulous! My favourite is the one with all of the Sailor Senshi themed cookies because they are super cute and I had a little more luck with the designs I got: Neo Queen Serenity, Sailor Moon in a denim (jacket) theme and the Sailor Moon themed card game! Especially the last two that I mentioned, are so creative!

Sailor Moon clearfileSailor Moon clearfileSailor Moon clearfileFrom the second series, I got a Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars themed clearfile, which are both on the simple side. The third clearfile features Princess Serenity in very subtle colours. The whole image looks somehow milky and very dreamy.

Gashapon & Trinkets

Spiral Heart Rod from the Miniaturely Tablet seriesHere comes the most random stuff: Trinkets that made a solo appearance, which do not fit any other category or are simply out of gashapon machines. I wanted to start with the biggest one, which is the Spiral Moon Rod from the ‘Miniaturely Tablet’ series, which is named after the tiny candy it comes with. After making all of the brooches used in Sailor Moon, they started over with the rods and sticks. If you are interested in Sailor Moon brooches or rods, I highly recommend you this one instead of the gashapon, since they are shinier! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sailor Neptune & Sailor Moon gashaponSailor Neptune & Sailor Moon gashaponWhich immediately brings us to the gashapon I was talking about: I got two gashapon of a series, which featured various rods on top of little cases, which also come with a little mirror on the inside. I honestly would not know, what to store inside of them. So I only got the one with Sailor Moon’s Moon Stick and Sailor Neptune’s lip rod.

Sailor Neptune charmsSomething, which I am not sure, what to do with, but love anyways, is this pair of deep sea green charms, which are Sailor Neptune themed. My plan is to either turn them into earrings for myself or for my dolls. I love Sailor Neptune’s colour combination of sea green and dark blue!

Sailor Neptune & Sailor Uranus gashaponSailor Pluto gashaponSailor Neptune & Sailor Uranus gashaponI have a theory, when it comes to anime gashapon or merchandise in general, that whatever is sold out at the moment, you will find it somewhere about two years later! This is exactly what happened to me with this Sailor Neptune gashapon figure from 2015! In 2015 I could only get Sailor Uranus and Sailor Pluto out of the machine before I ran out of money. This series was completely sold out, when I came back and I could not find it anywhere. Until I entered a random store in Akihabara and here she was! Haruka can finally rest upon Michiru and everything is good!

Qposket Petit Vol. 3This is it for my Sailor Moon finds, of course my Qposket Petit set was part of the party too – click here to see the whole post about these cuties!

Do you also love to collect tiny bits and bobs of Sailor Moon? Even the tiniest things feel so special!

Thank you so much for reading!


3 thoughts on “My Sailor Moon Goodies from Japan / Part 2”

  1. Yes! Little things are wonderful. I have a little shelf that I put my treasures on. Most of them are gachapon cats… I love cats! Now we need to do a Sailor moon shelf!!!

    1. I would looove to see your shelf full of cat gashapon! I love cats too! And a Sailor Moon shelf is an awesome idea! ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. I have a Sailor Moon shelf but no Gashapon! ๐Ÿ™ I have seen that Neptune, Uranus and Pluto set, though, and with Saturn and Chibi-moon, for a really cheap price on eBay! Yeah, my (sailor moon) collection is mainly Pop! Vinyls and Manga…

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