Oops, I did it again: I got a Re-ment set, got lost in the miniature world for Pullips, Pullips…I am sorry, but it had to get out someday that I was a big Britney fan growing up and that I am still singing this song everytime I get something, I really like! 😀 Sumikko Gurashi are my favourite characters for so-called ‘character goods’ from Japan because they are simply too cute. If you are not familiar with the characters and their names yet, don’t worry: I emphasized them in the text, so you won’t get confused in the Sumikko universe too much. I hope, you will enjoy this post full of sweets with sweet faces on them! Continue reading Re-ment: Sumikko Gurashi ‘Sumikko Patisserie’
Category: Blind Boxes
Putitto! Japan’s Newest Blind Box Trend!

Little figures, which are able to sit on the edge of your glasses to keep you company, are no new concept for Japanese blind boxes or gashapon. In the past years, I have already picked up various cuties, for example from Sailor Moon or One Piece. Now in 2017 these kinds of figures are more available than ever under the collective brand name Putitto. They have licenses with Disney, Pokémon, SAN-X and many, many more. Their figures are mainly sold in blind boxes, but I also found some in gashapon machines.
There are lots of Disney Putitto series around (Toy Story, Disney Princesses, Classic Disney Scenes, etc.) and they looked mostly very well made and beautiful. My only beef with some of them were the wonky faces of the human characters, especially those of the Disney princesses! Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite, if not my favorite Disney movie of all time! After already having invested a fair share of my shopping budget on Alice goods, my resistance towards these blind boxes proved to be futile, when I caved near the end of my trip and bought three boxes. I got super lucky and did not get Alice or the Mad Hatter, but my favorites: Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit and the Baby Oysters.
The Cheshire Cat looks so funny tipping his pink ears and eyebrows like a hat! The pose of his paws is simply darling! His face and expression are perfect and I can say that all of my Alice-figures are super well made! Continue reading Putitto! Japan’s Newest Blind Box Trend!
Re-ment: Little Twin Stars ‘Starry Sky Bakery’
It has been a while, since I got a whole set from Re-ment, but this adorable set starring Little Twin Stars from Sanrio and its typical color scheme of pastels just spoke to me. I honestly cannot wait to show you each box separately because these are just too cute to not write about them. Continue reading Re-ment: Little Twin Stars ‘Starry Sky Bakery’
Blind Boxes: Pokémon Dessert Plate
A few weeks ago the Pokémon Center released their Dessert Plate collection, which featured a lot of super cute artwork and also a series of blind boxes. There are 8 different small figures of plastic dishes in Pokémon designs. First of all: How adorable is the outside of these boxes alone, not even speaking of what’s inside yet?! I really would have loved to get the whole set, but am at least able to show you three different figures today. Continue reading Blind Boxes: Pokémon Dessert Plate
Yotsuba &! Figure Collection vol. 1
Sometimes everything is going backwards: The second volume of the Yotsuba &! figure collection showed me, what I would be missing out on, if I would not acquire the original collection as well. It’s nice to have full sets and matching reviews, so let’s get started with this amazing and lovely release!
The first Yotsuba is a set out of two pieces, since the green pillow Yotsuba is supposed to sit on, comes separately. One side is completely flat, but the other side is moulded to fit her legs; so there is no wobbling around. Her pose on the pillow is absolutely perfect. I know how hard it is to sit like that for a long time; I experienced it during a tea workshop on a farm near Kyoto, where I had to change my sitting position because my legs had gone completely numb. What I absolutely loved about the second volume also applies here: Yotsuba’s head is fully moveable and her sweet expression makes my day!
This figure has pretty much the same facial expression that the Suspend figure from the second volume has. The only difference is Yotsuba’s open mouth, which shows how much strength she is putting into pushing something. You can move her head a little bit, but be careful: I moved her head a little bit too much to one side and it suddenly came right off! No worries, thankfully it was also really easy to put it back on!
Climb is an adorable figure through and through! She is supposed to be put on your cup or bowl and her design perfectly holds its promise and Yotsuba is holding her pose on your dishware! Often figures are promised to stay on your cups, but fall right off. In this case, she is securing herself with both hands and one leg. Her expression looks a bit worried, but who wouldn’t be worried dangling from a cup like that?! You can move her head a little bit, but this pose does not leave her head much space to be moved.
Yotsuba drawing on the floor is absolutely darling! I love that her little white socks are in the air and how she is concentrating on the invisible piece of paper in front of her. She is holding a tiny black pencil in her right hand and you can freely move her head in each direction! I imagine that this figure would be especially sweet, if you would make a little drawing for Yotsuba herself and give it to her to finish it! 😉
Costume change! Yotsuba’s PJ’s are so, so cute in light blue with mauve colored details on collar, sleeves and buttons. After a long day she is completely spaced out and the only thing she still manages to do, is to move her head to the left and the right. It is hard to pick a favorite out of the bunch, but I cannot help myself to pick sleeping Yotsuba!
When comparing this figure volume with the second one, I would say that they perfectly compliment each other. The sleeping Yotsuba pretty much makes this whole set so worth it for me, but every figure is out of amazing quality and I can recommend it very much! When comparing the facial expressions, I would have to say that I like the second volume a teensy bit more. Hopefully my posts can help you to make up your mind! 🙂
Which figure volume do you prefer? Thank you so much for reading!
Yotsuba &! Figure Collection vol. 2
Yotsuba &! is a widely loved manga series by Kiyohiko Azuma and centers around a little girl and her adventures. Her philosophy in life is to enjoy everything and though she is so much younger than me, I can still draw inspiration from her. The manga has 13 volumes out until now; the 13th was only just released past December after a long hiatus from the author. Speaking of Kiyohiko Azuma, he also once declared in an interview that he is very picky, when it comes to Yotsuba&! merchandise, hence why there are only a few choices around. I could not find any in Japan myself and pre-ordered this figure collection about two months ago. Not to be too forward, but it is so amazing that the first volume is now on its way as well! 😉You can get the whole set in a box, which should guarantee you a full set. In stores you can probably also buy the figures individually in blind boxes, which I would never recommend, if you want to get every figure anyways. There are five figures in total and they are tiny preciousness with movable heads! 😀 Continue reading Yotsuba &! Figure Collection vol. 2
Re-ment: Welcome to PIKACHU room!
Welcome to PIKACHU room! is a Re-ment set that came out in late 2016 and generally consists out of eight blind boxes. I bought the whole set, which comes in a sealed box that promises to contain the complete set and no doubles. Every set consists out of several items that are Pokémon-themed and a leaflet that explains each item in Japanese. At the very back of the leaflet, there is always at least one bonus item to cut out of and add to your set. Now please let me share everything with you!

Tokidoki Blind Boxes: Donutella and her sweet friends

The Italian brand Tokidoki has had quite some collaborations with Pullip in the past, but I still have to get my first Tokidoki-Pullip in the future. In the meantime, I discovered that Tokidoki also sells blind boxes with adorable content. I ordered three blind boxes from the series Donutella and her sweet friends and while I started to take pictures; my adorable Pullip Alura snuck into the shot. She insisted on being my assistent, while being very persistent! Continue reading Tokidoki Blind Boxes: Donutella and her sweet friends