After winning this year’s Pullip Custom Contest, which was held in Yokohama’s Doll Museum, Japanese artist Feb La Campanura’s beautiful Pullip is finally here! She is a floral dream and everything that I had hoped for – no; so much more! 💐

Thank you so much for watching! 💕 Theri

Review: PULLIP KÜHN 🧙‍♀️

Pullip Kühn is here to bring a little magic into our day-to-day lives! This beautiful magician was released in 2013 and is one of the six beautiful Pullips of the Creator’s Label line, who have a face-up by Japanese artist mitsubachi@BabyBee. Kühn’s outfit was designed by Cranky Gel. I cannot resist her, you could almost say that I am enchanted by her! 🧙‍♀️

Thank you so much for watching! 💕 Theri

Click on the names for more mitsubachi@BabyBee Pullips: Her other girls are Seila, Galene, Alura, Laura and My Melody HEN-NAKO!


Pullip Seila, Pullip Alura and Pullip Laura are three beauties, who are so similar, yet so different. Each of these girls has her own unique charm and I hope that this video will make you aware of their individual traits! Do you have a favourite? 🖤

Thank you so much for watching! 💕 Theri


Do you like it dark, yet sweet?! Pullip Alura has you covered! This sweet girl was released in 2015 as part of Groove’s Creator’s Label line in collaboration with British photographer Laura/Pure Embers, mitsubachi@BabyBee and Momolita. She is the little sister of Pullip Laura, who was released a few months prior in the same year.

Thank you so much for watching! 💕 Theri

Review: My Customized PULLIP LUPINUS 🍭

Pullip Lupinus was released in November 2016 and pretty much immediately joined my dolly family. She is part of Groove Inc.’s Creator’s Label line and the creator behind Lupinus is Japanese artist Silver Butterfly, who had already designed the outfit for Pullip Galene in 2012. Honestly, don’t miss out on this girl! 🍭

Thank you so much for watching and feel free to like and subscribe! 💖💕

Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Callie

Pullip CalliePullip Callie is one out of two Pullip dolls, which were released in 2016 in Groove’s Creator’s Label series in collaboration with Thai doll artists Happydolly and Memento. Happydolly created the face ups and Memento the outfits. Pullip Callie is the twin sister of Pullip Cassie, who I reviewed here. The twins Pullip Callie and Cassie are sold separately. Continue reading Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Callie

Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Cassie

Pullip CassiePullip Cassie is a Pullip Creator’s Label release from 2016. Cassie and her twin sister Callie are a collaboration with Thai doll artists Happydolly, who did the face up, and Memento, who was in charge of designing the outfits. Their flair is very girly and flirty with lots of lace and pastel colours. Today I am going to review Pullip Cassie, the sister in the blue outfit. Continue reading Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Cassie

Comparing Pullip Cassie and Pullip Callie’s Face Ups!

Pullip Cassie und Pullip Callie are 2016 Creator’s Label line releases that were designed by doll artists Happydolly/Memento. Approaching to write about those two seemed a bit intimidating, so I decided to start with a post comparing both of their face ups, before each of these cuties will get their own reviews. I have written about Groove Pullip twins before, Pullips Clara and Chloi, but those two are sporting different colour schemes, while Cassie and Callie actually seem to share the same taste in make up. But don’t be fooled: There are some distinct differences, which do play a big role in creating their sweet expressions!

Pullip Cassie and Pullip Callie Continue reading Comparing Pullip Cassie and Pullip Callie’s Face Ups!

My Dolly Week #25: mitsubashi@BabyBee – Love

Pullip Alura in Sailor Moon gear!I am a completionist. It is one of my biggest issues, when it comes to collecting. Oftentimes, when I am getting a certain doll, I immediately need to know, if there was another release in direct correlation to my new addition. This absolutely happened, when I first got Pullip Alura (review coming soon), a Creator’s Label release from 2015 with a face-up by the amazing mitsubashi@BabyBee. I started to read up more about her and found out about the prior Pullips she has worked on (there are more Creator’s Label Groove family dolls, but right now I am really trying not to think about them; Taeyang Natsume is so dreamy and so hard to find). My next cutie was My Melody X HEN-NAKO from 2016. I overlooked her at first and fell in love with her in person in Japan and am so happy that I was able to order her shortly thereafter because she disappeared from the shelves since then. Equally lucky were my finds of Kühn (review coming soon) from 2013 and Seila from 2012. Galene, one of the most beautiful Pullips ever in my eyes, also from 2012, followed my family thanks to Ebay. And Laura from 2015 is still available and completed my mini-collection some weeks ago.

All of my mitsubashi@BabyBee Pullips!My customized Pullip Laura!I was itching to take a group shot of my beauties for so long, but I had to get Laura a different wig first. She is so beautiful, but I was always feeling a little bit unsure about her look. After I customized her, I can finally present you my cuties (top to bottom, left to right): Elodie Day (My Melody X HEN-NAKO), Tsukimi (Alura), Katie (Kühn), Wednesday (Laura), Gigi (Seila) and Hanako (Galene). I love them all so much with their dark rimmed eyes and high kitten eyeliner flicks (with the exception of Hanako/Galene). It is also no secret that Alura and Laura are hommages to Seila, but the three other girls also have something in common: Juicy red lips, which make my heart sing! It should not come as a surprise that I hope that we will see some more collaborations with mitsubashi@BabyBee in the future! Continue reading My Dolly Week #25: mitsubashi@BabyBee – Love

Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Seila

Pullip Seila was one of those dolls that I thought I would never own. She has been sold-out for quite some time as of this writing and there are still a ton of collectors, who are looking for her, out there. Nearly two months ago I was refreshing Mandarake and Seila suddenly showed up at the very top of the Pullip listings. I clicked that order button in a complete daze and was fast enough to get her. She was a major find for me and I am still not over the endorphins from this particular Saturday!

Pullip Seila was released in 2012 and embodies the perfect vision of a gothic lolita!
Pullip Seila was released in 2012 and embodies the perfect vision of a gothic lolita!

Seila was originally released in 2012 as part of Groove Inc.’s Creator’s Label. Her face up was created by mitsubachi@BabyBee, who has worked a lot with Groove since then (I already reviewed Pullip My Melody HEN-NAKO Ver. and Pullip Galene) and HIROKO/Daisy-D was the mastermind behind her clothes. For me Seila is the perfect gothic lolita from head to toe. Everything about her is of such high quality that there is no reason to question anymore, why this doll is so widely loved in the Pullip community. Continue reading Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Seila