Sometimes everything is going backwards: The second volume of the Yotsuba &! figure collection showed me, what I would be missing out on, if I would not acquire the original collection as well. It’s nice to have full sets and matching reviews, so let’s get started with this amazing and lovely release!
The first Yotsuba is a set out of two pieces, since the green pillow Yotsuba is supposed to sit on, comes separately. One side is completely flat, but the other side is moulded to fit her legs; so there is no wobbling around. Her pose on the pillow is absolutely perfect. I know how hard it is to sit like that for a long time; I experienced it during a tea workshop on a farm near Kyoto, where I had to change my sitting position because my legs had gone completely numb. What I absolutely loved about the second volume also applies here: Yotsuba’s head is fully moveable and her sweet expression makes my day!
This figure has pretty much the same facial expression that the Suspend figure from the second volume has. The only difference is Yotsuba’s open mouth, which shows how much strength she is putting into pushing something. You can move her head a little bit, but be careful: I moved her head a little bit too much to one side and it suddenly came right off! No worries, thankfully it was also really easy to put it back on!

Climb is an adorable figure through and through! She is supposed to be put on your cup or bowl and her design perfectly holds its promise and Yotsuba is holding her pose on your dishware! Often figures are promised to stay on your cups, but fall right off. In this case, she is securing herself with both hands and one leg. Her expression looks a bit worried, but who wouldn’t be worried dangling from a cup like that?! You can move her head a little bit, but this pose does not leave her head much space to be moved.

Yotsuba drawing on the floor is absolutely darling! I love that her little white socks are in the air and how she is concentrating on the invisible piece of paper in front of her. She is holding a tiny black pencil in her right hand and you can freely move her head in each direction! I imagine that this figure would be especially sweet, if you would make a little drawing for Yotsuba herself and give it to her to finish it! 😉
Costume change! Yotsuba’s PJ’s are so, so cute in light blue with mauve colored details on collar, sleeves and buttons. After a long day she is completely spaced out and the only thing she still manages to do, is to move her head to the left and the right. It is hard to pick a favorite out of the bunch, but I cannot help myself to pick sleeping Yotsuba!
When comparing this figure volume with the second one, I would say that they perfectly compliment each other. The sleeping Yotsuba pretty much makes this whole set so worth it for me, but every figure is out of amazing quality and I can recommend it very much! When comparing the facial expressions, I would have to say that I like the second volume a teensy bit more. Hopefully my posts can help you to make up your mind! 🙂
Which figure volume do you prefer? Thank you so much for reading!