Are you ready for some of my most treasured Pullip dresses?! And those in combination with super cute hats?! Then this video is for you!
Thank you so much for watching! Theri
Everything Theri-ppoi
What a week it has been! Pretty much like the proverbial mixed bag, my spirit in my ‘adult life’ almost got broken at work, but my private and dolly life have been pretty good. There were also plenty of exciting announcements, which might already could fill their very own post. Let’s talk about all the dolly things!
I have to first talk about non other than fabulous super hero Sailor Strawberry! Sailor Neptune got a bit tired of Rise borrowing her sailor uniform each and every day, so María‘s package came exactly at the right moment! She was so kind to gift Rise a strawberrylicious looking outfit from her own collection, which Sailor Strawberry tried on immediately to turn into her next transformation: Super Sailor Strawberry! Thank you so much to María for making sweet Rise even sweeter! Continue reading MDW #56: Raging Strawberry Spirits!
Welcome to another Dolly Week on my blog! This week has been super duper interesting, when it comes to new releases, but I also finally started some projects to rebody my older Pullip girls, since I brought home four obitsus in total from Japan.
The first girl I rebodied was Natalia, my Pullip Blanche. Although I do not massively hate the Pullip type-3 bodies, they do tend to make your Pullips quite stiff looking and do not allow them to pose properly. Especially the type-3 neck was bugging me, since it looks way too unnatural. Natalia always seemed to stick her head way forward in comparison to her type-4 and obitsu bodied sisters. I plan to do a more detailed post about my girls’ different body types, but for Natalia I decided on a flesh toned 27 cm obitsu, since I went for the same height as Mayu and Ruri, which I had misjudged in the past as 24cm tall. In the future, I do plan to get some of the new 24cm obitsus, but since my type-3 girls seem more grown-up anyway, they are all going to be taller than that. May I just say that I love Natalia’s new look?! I also dressed her up in the coolest dolly ensemble from Atelier Milabrocc ever! Those perfect embroidered and distressed Mom jeans are going to be a staple in my dolly wardrobe for years!
Speaking of denim from Atelier Milabrocc, before she released the set with the jeans and the equally stylish sweater, she made the most adorable shorts in the same style. My Pullip wardrobe is full of dresses and skirts, lilacs and pinks, which I both wanted to mix up a bit (nevermind, the pink embroideries on the denim…they don’t count!). Minnie, my Charon Dolls’ custom Pullip, was the first one to try on those glorious shorts in combination with a cropped lilac knit sweater-from Atelier Milabrocc as well. Can you tell that I like her work?!
Minnie looks a bit rockabilly and like a cool pastel chick in general. I am super pleased-she needs to wear the most out of this outfit before it gets too cold! Continue reading My Dolly Week #38: Dolly Denim and Obitsus!
When I started collecting Pullips, I was sure that I was never going to change them out of their stocks. Little did I know, how much fun lies in customizing and how much creativity is truly involved for a cute result. Today I want to show you the first wigs that I got for my Pullips. I got five wigs from Korean retailer Leeke World and one from Groove’s own MIO line. All Leeke World wigs in this post are in the size 8-9 inches! Continue reading Wig Haul #1: Leeke World & MIO
Welcome to the 24th edition of My Dolly Week, which is my weekly Sunday post and this time I can show you some more finished mini-projects, which I really loved doing!
As we all know, Groove has an obsession with Alice in Wonderland and I wanted to make a little photoshooting session with my three latest cuties, who just got ready with their customization. I decided on the chapter A Mad Tea Party, which is one of my favorites. Continue reading My Dolly Week #24: ‘A Mad Tea Party’
Some time ago, Pullip Blanche’s face appeared on my computer screen and her beautiful face immediately struck me. At that time I had no idea, who she was and so my search for her started. Turns out, she was released in 2007 when Pullip was still produced under Jun Planning and not Groove. She is on a type-3 body and, being ten years old, pretty hard to find due to her still ongoing popularity in the Pullip community. I was lucky to get her NRFB and in mint condition, although type-3 bodies are prone to breaking, especially their fragile wrists. Continue reading Review: Pullip Blanche
Welcome to another Dolly Week on Komonogatari! This week I have been away for a few days, but that did not stop me from getting some quality time with my dollies and there were some amazing announcements this week, which I am tremendously looking forward to!
First of all, Pullip Blanche arrived this week. I was pretty lucky to get her brand new in great condition, even though she is on a type 3-body, which are prone to be quite fragile and easy to crack especially at the wrists. Two stones fell out of her beautiful earrings, but they were securely sliding around in her box and it won’t be a hard task to glue them back in. Blanche, who I renamed Orphelia, is a stunning release. I cannot help feeling extremely lucky that she joined my family. I already love her so much! When I realised that her outfit had a lot in common with Pullip Princess Serenity, I had to make a picture of my cuties, put it on Instagram and I was quite happy and proud that it started trending under #pullip and made it to second place. I did not write on Instagram about it, but please note that I am very thankful for every support and love to share dolly love!
Actually, the more time I am spending with my dolls, the more they are getting their own characters and backstories. One day I wanted to change up Carlie’s hair and as it turns out, she is the type of girl that looks amazing in two braids. She can even wear this knitted beanie (from KukiDolls) in summer and looks amazing. I never until now knew that Carlie is an artist, who loves to paint, play guitar and play with kitties. We definitely got to know each other better this week! Continue reading My Dolly Week #17: Blanche arrived, Pullip Eternal Sailor Moon & Pullip characters!