PULLIP DOLL HOLIDAY GIFT & SHOPPING GUIDE 2018 🎄 // Who is available right now?!

This might be a bit soon, but at the same time editing this video just made me too excited to not share right away: Are you looking to gift a Pullip doll to somebody, but have no clue where to begin? Or are you a doll collector, who is a little out of the loop, when it comes to the world of Pullips? No problem, this gift guide has you covered! 😊

Thank you so much for watching! 💕 Theri

My Dolly Week #57: Cute As A Button!

Welcome to Komonogatari’s Sunday post! How has your dolly week been? Mine was good with finally giving Pullip Cassie and Callie the attention they deserve and being able to introduce a very adorable someone!

Mia is getting ready for Easter!One of my most favourite expressions in the English language is ‘cute as a button’; before learning that I had never spent a thought on the adorable quality of buttons! And being cute and adorable definitely fits little Miss Mia, my new full custom Pullip from Poison Girl’s Dolls. When she was available for adoption, my heart was literally racing – I don’t think that I’ve ever moved faster in my life! XD I loved her sweet face from the moment María announced her. She is so cute!

Continue reading My Dolly Week #57: Cute As A Button!

Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Callie

Pullip CalliePullip Callie is one out of two Pullip dolls, which were released in 2016 in Groove’s Creator’s Label series in collaboration with Thai doll artists Happydolly and Memento. Happydolly created the face ups and Memento the outfits. Pullip Callie is the twin sister of Pullip Cassie, who I reviewed here. The twins Pullip Callie and Cassie are sold separately. Continue reading Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Callie

Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Cassie

Pullip CassiePullip Cassie is a Pullip Creator’s Label release from 2016. Cassie and her twin sister Callie are a collaboration with Thai doll artists Happydolly, who did the face up, and Memento, who was in charge of designing the outfits. Their flair is very girly and flirty with lots of lace and pastel colours. Today I am going to review Pullip Cassie, the sister in the blue outfit. Continue reading Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Cassie

Comparing Pullip Cassie and Pullip Callie’s Face Ups!

Pullip Cassie und Pullip Callie are 2016 Creator’s Label line releases that were designed by doll artists Happydolly/Memento. Approaching to write about those two seemed a bit intimidating, so I decided to start with a post comparing both of their face ups, before each of these cuties will get their own reviews. I have written about Groove Pullip twins before, Pullips Clara and Chloi, but those two are sporting different colour schemes, while Cassie and Callie actually seem to share the same taste in make up. But don’t be fooled: There are some distinct differences, which do play a big role in creating their sweet expressions!

Pullip Cassie and Pullip Callie Continue reading Comparing Pullip Cassie and Pullip Callie’s Face Ups!

My (Updated) Blogiversary Dolly Wishlist!

Pullips Elodie Day & MarieI am so excited for this post and have so much to update, since I have decided to only share my dolly wishlist every six months! This way, it is way easier for me to evaluate, which girls I actually want to move in with me (after the first phase of infatuation) and to keep track with the overall number of my cuties. This is also the first post, where I am going to talk about different types of dolls I really like and about my current collection, for example about which changes some girls might go through in the future. Let’s start! Continue reading My (Updated) Blogiversary Dolly Wishlist!

My Dolly Week #44: Christmas Festivities and Their Consequences!

Welcome to the 44th Dolly Week and let me tell you: Celebrating with my family and all of my dolls swallowed all of my energy! I am still recovering. Especially my dolls look like the sweetest cuties, but they are such party animals in real life! I am a bit afraid of what New Year’s Eve will look like! Yikes! 😀 Furthermore, I am working through the holidays this year and I was so tired yesterday that I completely overslept. Thankfully, I did not get up to late, but you can imagine that I am not the best version of myself right now! >< But(!): I am SO excited to make more dolly content! It is a bit weird to me that I am not uploading daily anymore on my Instagram, but I still have some pictures up my sleeve and want to do a nice photoshoot for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day!

My Poison Girls Mayu, Rise & RuriOn Christmas Eve I wanted to share this picture of my Poison Girl cuties, who are wearing some of my favorite outfits and Mayu and Ruri are carrying Christmas handbags from La Prinfresa. I simply love Rudolph and the little Christmas tree. Their quality is out of this world and the details are simply so nice! I will use them every year from now on and I also saw online that they look so nice as ornaments on dolly sized trees! If that does not sound like a good investment, I truly do not know, what is! 😉 Continue reading My Dolly Week #44: Christmas Festivities and Their Consequences!

My Dolly Week #43: A New Batch of Twins!

Pullip Cassie & Pullip CalliePullip Cassie & Pullip CallieIt’s one week before Christmas and the air is feeling festive, while the days are getting shorter. Last week I shared my final dolly additions of the year on my Instagram: Pullip Callie and Pullip Cassie from Groove’s Creator’s Label line. They are collaborations with doll artists Happydolly/Memento and as kawaii as can be. Callie and Cassie are supposed to be twin sisters, so their face ups are super similar. Their biggest difference, in my opinion, lies in the shape of their lips. At first I only wanted to get one sister, but as you probably know, I am a weak soul. This is how these cuties are already the third pair of sisters in my collection after Clara and Chloi, Laura and Alura. Last week both of them were put into the ‘Last Chance’ section of Pullip Style, which means that they are not awaiting any further shipments of those two. I cannot say that I am surprised that they are selling out-and I can absolutely recommend them: They completely look like custom dolls and they come with a huge amount of stock pieces out of the highest quality! I named my Cassie ‘Hermione’ after my grandmother and Hermione Granger and my Callie is called ‘Audrey’ after my favorite actress Audrey Hepburn. 🙂

Pullip Mayu in her gingerbread dress!Pullip Mayu in panda clothes!Mayu is wearing her festive dress from Mota de Algodón and looks absolutely enchanting! A few weeks ago, I was sceptical, whether Christmas-themed doll clothing would be ‘worth’ it, but after shopping around a bit, I have to say that it makes me super happy to see cuties like Mayu being enamored in their golden colored gingerbread dresses. Could you tell that the  dress she is wearing, is actually made for Blythes?! It has such a nice fit on Mayu’s 27cm obitsu! I am so happy and cannot wait to show you some more of her in the next week! My goal for Mayu is to completely dress her up in kawaii clothes in the future. I think, it was the first step to turn her into a little panda girl, but in the future, she is going to be even more colorful than the rainbow. Wish me luck! 😉 Continue reading My Dolly Week #43: A New Batch of Twins!