My Blythe girls came back from their makeover by Poshidolls and are now sporting their own adorable personalities! ‘Lorshek Molseh’ was customized with BLACKPINK’S Jennie in mind, while ‘Ufo A-Go-Go’ has a spring, sakura theme.

Are you a collector of Blythe dolls too?

Thank you so much for watching! ๐Ÿ’• Theri


After talking about giving my Blythe dolls more love for ages, I am finally putting my money, where my mouth is and present you my second Neo-Blythe doll Lorshek Molseh, who is a 2014 release and has – as her name is an anagram for Sherlock Holmes – a detective theme. Her stock outfit simply rocks! ๐Ÿ”

Please expect more Blythe videos in the future! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thank you so much for watching! ๐Ÿ’• Theri

My (Updated) Blogiversary Dolly Wishlist!

Pullips Elodie Day & MarieI am so excited for this post and have so much to update, since I have decided to only share my dolly wishlist every six months! This way, it is way easier for me to evaluate, which girls I actually want to move in with me (after the first phase of infatuation) and to keep track with the overall number of my cuties. This is also the first post, where I am going to talk about different types of dolls I really like and about my current collection, for example about which changes some girls might go through in the future. Let’s start! Continue reading My (Updated) Blogiversary Dolly Wishlist!

‘Neko no Kaburimono’: The most perfect Gashapon for your Dolls!

My Halloween hats from the gashapon machine!‘Neko no Kaburimono’ from Kitan Club are little hats for your cats that you can get from gasha or capsule toy machines. Unfortunately, I have no patient kitty cat on hand to tell you, how those hats fulfill their purpose on a living and breathing cutie, but when the right kind of gashapon machines finally crossed my path, I initially had to get some for my dolly collection. These hats have actually been around for quite a while, but when I was visiting Tokyo, there were several series available, which I am going to show you right now!

The fit from the sides!Detail of the ghost!The hats from above!The pumpkin on my Neo-Blythe!The machine, where the hats came from!The newest series is a set out of four different Halloween themed designs, which I was so extremely happy about, since it is my favorite holiday! ๐Ÿ˜€ I managed to get three different hats for 500 Yen each (sadly, I missed out on the bat) and I was super suprised how detailed each of them is! The hats from this series are a little big on a Pullip and a little snug on a Blythe, but still very adorable on both! The Halloween hats do come with more fabric than the hats from other series, which covers the neck and upper part of the shoulder area. They are all soft and plushy. My ghost hat still looks a bit wonky, since it came out of the capsule, but I love it nonetheless and cannot decide on a favorite! Continue reading ‘Neko no Kaburimono’: The most perfect Gashapon for your Dolls!

My Dolly Week #11: Home Sweet Home, please come home!

Welcome everybody! It has been 11 weeks, since this segment started and this week my dolly week was mainly occupied with looking into future releases. Unfortunately, there is still no info on future Pullip or Pullip family releases from Groove. I am comforting myself with the presence of Optical Alice right next to me and am still hoping that there will finally be a Sunday post with an exciting Pullip release announcement!

My Blythie (Ufo A GoGo) and Lola (Lorshek Molseh)
I wonder, what those cuties are thinking about future Blythe releases?! Let’s find out!

Continue reading My Dolly Week #11: Home Sweet Home, please come home!

My Dolly Week #9: Outfits and Boxes!

Welcome to my weekly Dolly Week-post! Komonogatari turns two months-old today! And there is still so much to share, so please stay along for the ride! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sundays are for relaxing on sofas that actually are Sumikko Gurashi cell phone stands!
Sundays are for relaxing on sofas that actually are Sumikko Gurashi cell phone stands!

Continue reading My Dolly Week #9: Outfits and Boxes!

My Dolly Week #7: Happy Palm Sunday!

Welcome to the seventh Dolly Week post! These are the weekly posts, in which I like to talk about all the random dolly- or toy-related things that crossed my way in the last seven days! Happy Palm Sunday! Can you believe that Easter is closing in?! (I mean, we all kind of have to, but still!)

Alice and Blythie wish you a happy Palm Sunday! Please stay warm and don’t catch a cold!!!

First of all: Komonogatari now has its own Twitter and Instagram and the links are in the side bar. Please feel free to check them out and I will post regular updates! Slowly I am getting the hang of it. Continue reading My Dolly Week #7: Happy Palm Sunday!