Welcome to the 22nd My Dolly Week post, in which we will discuss the newest announcements from Groove, promo pics for upcoming Blythes and were I can finally share the end of another dolly customizing project. Let’s start!
My Pullip Marie got a complete makeover. At first I wanted her to get a new dark brown wig, but this flowy and gorgeous baby blue wig from Leeke practically jumped into the shopping cart on its own. It is probably the softest wig ever and its color is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. Truly lush, long and flowy, its pastel tone compliments Marie’s very light and subtle brows. It also helps that her face-up consists out of earthy tones, which go well with a pop of color!

Custom doll artists Kiki & Chrysanthemum make beautiful custom eyechips for their dolls and occasionally put a few pairs of them on sale. I got a pair consisting out of two different colors, silver with a little bit of bronze and indigo blue, which sparkles beautifully. It all came together in a crazy way, when I realized that these had to be the new eyechips for Marie and her luxurious wig. Fate struck and the Carmenred Lolita Witch Dress set, which I got over half a year ago through Sugar Lattice Doll Boutique, came into my mind. Why not answer pastels with even more pastels?! Her lace-up booties are the stock boots from Pullip Cheshire Cat. I just love this feeling of making the most of a doll you really care about. And I am so happy that I lost my shyness to change up my stock dolls’ looks because it makes it all so much more fun for me!
Of course there are certain dolls, I do not ever plan to change up somehow, but if there is something you do not absolutely love, you can play with your sense of aesthetics and try out new things! This also applied to me with Pullip Lupinus, whose stock is great, but she just so much more feels like my doll now. Lu looks like a fluffy bunny now, who just wants to relax in her comfy clothes all day. I told her that that’s the right way to go! Comfy is awesome, when you are as adorable as her!

My custom sweeties had a cute little photo shoot on my fluffy pink blanket to celebrate the release of Miss Ruri’s official pictures on MarΓas website. They are so pretty and cute! I love looking at them in general because every Poison Girl on her site is so special-I will definitely keep you posted, when Mayu‘s photographs are released! Continue reading My Dolly Week #22: Little Changes, Big Difference!