My Dolly Week #65: Happy Birthday, Ruri chan!

Happy Birthday to Ruri!Welcome to another ‘Dolly Week’ post on Komonogatari: Time just flies during these warm and sunny weeks! Last Saturday it has actually been one year since my lovely Ruri by Poison Girl’s Dolls joined my doll family. She was my first custom doll ever and I feel so lucky to have her! When friends and acquaintances ask me about my dolls, I tell them that it is all about fantasy and creativity. If you really love a doll, she (or he) is going to develop a personality. In Ruri’s case, she is pretty much my collection’s mascot and sweetheart. She means a lot to me!

Ruri’s outfit was made by Petite Creayations! Continue reading My Dolly Week #65: Happy Birthday, Ruri chan!

My Dolly Week #64: A Closer Look At Pullip Etoile!

Welcome back, everybody to another ‘My Dolly Week’ post! Life is a bit hectic at the moment, but I have super exciting news to share with you all: I am going to go back to Japan this year for three weeks in December! I cannot even express, how excited I am to experience my second Tokyo Disney Resort Christmas and to go to some dreamy places for the first time ever. I will write a Japan 2018 wishlist a little later on, but it will probably be similar to last year’s with lots of dolly related swag. Right now is also the perfect time to start to keep an eye out for announcements of pop up cafés, stores and shows. I am not-so-secretly always hoping for Sailor Moon events! Unfortunately, the Yokohama Pullip exhibition will be long gone at that point, but last week, we got some more details about Pullip’s anniversary release Etoile in lieu with some more detailed pictures, so let’s go!

Ruri and Mayu, playing with ponies! Continue reading My Dolly Week #64: A Closer Look At Pullip Etoile!

Tips for Starting Pullip Collectors!

I have always wanted to write a post about starting a Pullip collection and to share all the things that I have learned so far. Getting into a new hobby can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to dolls and their many varieties. So this post will be particular about Pullips and hopefully you will fall in love with them just as much as I did!

Pullip Kühn Continue reading Tips for Starting Pullip Collectors!

My Dolly Week #61: Pullip’s 15th Anniversary Custom Contest!

Welcome to this very high spirited ‘My Dolly Week’ post! After months of waiting, all the entries for Groove’s custom contest have been revealed and there are some serious works of art in the run! And the best thing about this? You can vote too, even if you are unable to attend the exhibition in Yokohama! Click here for the complete contestant list and click on the individual doll pictures for more details on the creators and more importantly: Detailed pictures of the dolls and their face ups! After checking out all of the dollies (even though mostly Pullips, there are also appearances of Isul, Taeyang and Dal), you can click here for the voting ballot and support your favourite! The doll with the most votes, will be made into a Groove Creator’s Label stock doll! I am so happy that so many wonderful artists are participating and am excited to have discovered some new artists to follow!

Mia with lots of toys!

Continue reading My Dolly Week #61: Pullip’s 15th Anniversary Custom Contest!

Review: Pullip Bonnie

Pullip Bonnie in her stock outfit!In 2016 we were blessed with so many beautiful Pullip releases and Pullip Bonnie is one of them! She is an original release and the more time you spend with her, the more you will fall in love! She also is a prime example of the fact that the face up should be the main reason for getting a doll, since her concept is not up my alley at all. That being said, I will write this review, strictly looking at the quality of the stock and to show you every detail as usual. I hope, you will like it! 🙂 Continue reading Review: Pullip Bonnie

Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Callie

Pullip CalliePullip Callie is one out of two Pullip dolls, which were released in 2016 in Groove’s Creator’s Label series in collaboration with Thai doll artists Happydolly and Memento. Happydolly created the face ups and Memento the outfits. Pullip Callie is the twin sister of Pullip Cassie, who I reviewed here. The twins Pullip Callie and Cassie are sold separately. Continue reading Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Callie

Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Cassie

Pullip CassiePullip Cassie is a Pullip Creator’s Label release from 2016. Cassie and her twin sister Callie are a collaboration with Thai doll artists Happydolly, who did the face up, and Memento, who was in charge of designing the outfits. Their flair is very girly and flirty with lots of lace and pastel colours. Today I am going to review Pullip Cassie, the sister in the blue outfit. Continue reading Review: Pullip Creator’s Label Cassie

Comparing Pullip Cassie and Pullip Callie’s Face Ups!

Pullip Cassie und Pullip Callie are 2016 Creator’s Label line releases that were designed by doll artists Happydolly/Memento. Approaching to write about those two seemed a bit intimidating, so I decided to start with a post comparing both of their face ups, before each of these cuties will get their own reviews. I have written about Groove Pullip twins before, Pullips Clara and Chloi, but those two are sporting different colour schemes, while Cassie and Callie actually seem to share the same taste in make up. But don’t be fooled: There are some distinct differences, which do play a big role in creating their sweet expressions!

Pullip Cassie and Pullip Callie Continue reading Comparing Pullip Cassie and Pullip Callie’s Face Ups!

My Dolly Week #55: Pullip Bonnie & Little Else!

Okay, that title is not exactly true. I did receive Vivi, Pullip Bonnie, last week and dolly time felt limited, but in my private life a looot happened. Basically, my husband is changing jobs and is finally able to work in his dream profession, which equally means that we are not going to have opposite schedules anymore! Wheee for more sleep and a normal daily routine! 🙂

Pullip Bonnie, I named her Vivi. Continue reading My Dolly Week #55: Pullip Bonnie & Little Else!

My (Updated) Blogiversary Dolly Wishlist!

Pullips Elodie Day & MarieI am so excited for this post and have so much to update, since I have decided to only share my dolly wishlist every six months! This way, it is way easier for me to evaluate, which girls I actually want to move in with me (after the first phase of infatuation) and to keep track with the overall number of my cuties. This is also the first post, where I am going to talk about different types of dolls I really like and about my current collection, for example about which changes some girls might go through in the future. Let’s start! Continue reading My (Updated) Blogiversary Dolly Wishlist!